Apple Shows AR/VR Headset to Board

According to Mark Gurman over at Bloomberg executives at Apple previewed its upcoming mixed-reality headset last week, indicating that development of the device has reached an advanced stage, according to people with inside knowledge on the matter.
Apple’s Board, made up of eight independent directors and Apple Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook, meets at least four times a year and a version of the device was demonstrated to the directors during their most recent gathering.
‘Matt Talks Tech’ over on YouTube has also got hold of some further leaks that point to a release date towards the end of 2022 and a price point of around US.$1000.
Personally, I was surprised when Apple didn’t announce anything concrete as part of the annual product launch announcements back in September ’21. However, I’m hearing that this years event is planned to be in-person for the first time since the pandemic. That would provide the perfect opportunity to promote their only truly new product, since the Apple Watch.
Watch the full video below: