Micah Brandt

Micah Brandt is a hot piece of ebony pie in the gay porn biz. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds. He has a nice 6 pack of abs and a hot 7.5 inch cock. He joined the porn biz when he was 23 years old, and has thus far enjoyed a nice career full of getting his asshole fucked by all the cocks he wants. Micah loves his porn star lifestyle because it allows him to do fun things on the side like photo shoots, go-go dancing and more. He is glad he stumbled into porn because he really does not like to get up in the morning for that 9-5 lifestyle. One thing Micah loves about the gay porn industry these days is that through social media he can get extra close to his fans. He can communicate with them on such an up close and personal level. He loves that social media gets people to see that porn stars are people too! That is the main reason why he wanted to try VR porn. He sees it as another opportunity to get even closer to his best fans. Through virtual reality they can feel really close to him and like they actually can get to know him. When you feel like you are really in the room with someone fucking them, you will definitely feel closer to them! When Micah tried VR for the first time, he first viewed a little preview and said it was almost a little scary even how amazing it was. He could see why today’s porn fans prefer virtual reality and why they are rushing to the store to get the latest VR headsets for porn watching! Catch Micah in a hot VR porn video to see what he does best on your own eyes.