First Chinks In PlayStation VR’s Armor

Playstation VR


It’s still several months before PlayStation 4 owners can surf the virtual reality worlds of the PlayStation VR, but there are already signs it might falter.

It already has a slate of games coming out including the anticipated Arkham VR, but the system requires the use of the antiquated PlayStation Move controllers.  These are the wand-like motion controllers that were originally created to compete with the Nintendo Wii controllers.  The thing about both controllers is they’re not that accurate.

PS4 Move Controllers

They’re perfect for smacking a virtual tennis ball, but not for picking up an object or shooting a batarang.  The PlayStation controllers are nowhere near as accurate as the Vive or the Rift’s, so that’s something that will have to change in the near future if it wants to compete.

It’s also been widely reported that people testing the Resident Evil virtual reality game suffered from motion sickness.   This type of ‘simulation sickness’ has been well documented since the early days of VR and other systems have worked to reduce it.  This is not the case for PlayStation VR to date.

The good news is that Sony has a few months to fix anything before shipping its widely anticipated launch date.  With a much smaller price tag than that Rift or the Vive, it will likely be the first widely adopted virtual reality system.